Keeping It Legal
There are rules in using coupons and it is important to know the rules. Coupon fraud is a crime. When you print coupons off the internet, you will only be allowed to print 1 or 2 of each one for each computer that you own. If, by chance, you have another computer at work, you could print another set of coupons from the other computer (if your boss allows that sort of thing). The coupon website tracks you by your IP address. Having different e-mail addresses will not help you get more coupons.
You must never photocopy these coupons. Why? Each coupon has a distinct number on it (see photo of 2 coupons – number on the top right portion of coupon) - no 2 coupons will have the same number. Because each coupon has a distinct number on it, they are easily tracked to the computer where they were printed. When coupons are redeemed, they are scanned and the coupon amount is deducted off your grocery bill. When the coupons are processed by the manufacturer, they can see how many times each coupon was redeemed. Multiple redemptions let them know the coupon was photocopied – and it could trigger a fraud investigation which will lead them to the home address that has the computer that printed the original. People have gone to jail for coupon fraud.
The only number that will be same on identical items is the number on the bottom left – this number identifies the item. That number will be similar to the number on the item that you are purchasing (see photo of item purchased).
Don’t break the rules – it is not worth it.
This 6 part series is complete. I hope you were able to find some ideas to help you save money on your grocery bill. Happy shopping!