Rising Prices - YIKES!
It is no news to anyone that prices have gotten much higher lately and that some of the store shelves have been empty. But what do we do? Sit around and worry? Nope! We take action – have a plan – work around with what we have. Here are some ideas:
1) Having a fully stocked pantry and freezer is key. But, if you don’t have that, all is not lost. Look at what you have and write down what you need. Are the “needed” items an immediate need or can they wait? If you can wait, then start looking for sales on those items. When you see that item go on sale, buy what you need and then at least one more – that is how you build up your pantry supply. The key is to not be forced to buy something when the price is high just because you ran out.
2) Check the websites of multiple stores in your area and see what the prices are for the items that you normally buy. Check out their sales flyers and sign up for their digital coupons. If you live in an area where the stores are not close by, chose the one that has the best prices on the items you use. If the store with the best prices is far away, factor in the cost of gas to see if it makes sense to go that far.
3) Some people are impulse buyers. If they want to try and cut back on those extra purchases, a good idea is to use that store’s online shopper/carry-out service. Order all your items on their website and then choose the “carry-out” option where they will bring your groceries right to your car. No need to enter the store! If you choose to have your groceries delivered to your home instead, there is a cost for that so be sure to factor that cost verses the cost of gas that you would use.
4) The Sunday newspapers don’t have as many coupons as they used to. But there are coupons online. A good source is Coupons.com Print them out and remember to take them to the store! Some stores have their own digital coupons online – sign up for that. When you check out, your coupons will come off your order and you didn’t even have to print them out. (Be sure to sign in to your account while you are at the register.)
5) Do you make a list and then forget it when you go to the store? Take a photo of your list with your phone – chances are you won’t forget your phone when you leave the house.
6) Once you buy your groceries, wouldn’t it be nice to get some money back? Well, you can! There is an app called Ibotta. You can earn cash for particular products (that change from week to week) by uploading your register receipt. Here is the link: Ibotta Log onto the app and see what products are available for cash back and click on them. Don’t forget to upload your receipt in a timely manner (it is best to do this within a day) or those offers may disappear and you will lose out on the cash back.
There is another website where you can upload receipts and earn cash back or gift cards: Magic Receipts (mypoints.com) You can even use the same receipts that you used for Ibotta.
7) In summary, here are three ways to save some extra money on your groceries (in addition to buying your items on sale).
a) Print coupons
b) Use them at the store (get cash off your total)
c) Upload your receipt to Ibotta and MyPoints Magic Receipts (to earn more cash)You can do ALL this on a single shopping trip to just one store!! And, if the items you buy are on sale – even more savings!!
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