Another way I save money is with my shopping notebook. I don’t go shopping without it. I chose a 3 ring binder notebook with a zipper – so that when I drop my notebook (and I do) everything doesn’t fall out. This particular notebook has 2 sets of 3 ring sections.

On the one side are all my coupons – organized by category (which makes it easy to find one quickly when I am shopping and find an unadvertised sale). It also has a pocket to hold the sales flyers and a see-thru plastic pouch to hold the coupons I plan on using.
On the other side is my list broken up into the different stores that I will be shopping at. I write down the item and the sale price next to it. Then, if I should be shopping in a different store and come across the item I need, I can see if it has a better price.
Behind that are sections that include the following:
1) Shopping List – not groceries (things I am looking for but haven’t found a good enough price yet to buy). Example: I needed a new office chair and a bicycle seat. When I went to various stores that might have those items, I would check the price. Eventually I will find a price I like and buy those items. But, if I didn’t write those things on my “future” list, I would forget about them. Eventually I would really really need those items and then I would be forced to pay whatever the price is at the time. I would rather not do that!
2) Misc. Info contains my inventory list (stay tuned for future post with details)
This section also contains information such as air filter sizes, printer ink sizes, etc. (because I forget what sizes I need). Nothing fancy here. I use the plastic card holders (such as a business card holder, photo pages) and write down the size of each thing that requires a particular size. I put a note with that item and size in each of the pockets. I also make a note of the operating hours of the stores – some close earlier than others. If I know their hours, I won’t make a wasted trip when they are closed.
I also have paint samples of my walls and trim so that I can make sure that what I am buying will match my décor.
3) Price Book (stay tuned for future post with details)
4) Christmas list (with the things I have already bought). I shop all year long – looking for special items that I know my family would like and buying them when they are on sale. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what I buy, so I need a list of the things that I have bought and who I bought them for! I also have a designated spot to put the gifts so that I don’t forget where they are. I shop at the “after-Christmas” sales to stock up on wrapping paper, gift bags, etc. and I keep them with the gifts. At a glance I can see what I have and I what I will need.
So many times, I have walked through a store and forgotten what I went to buy. My shopping book helps me to stay on task. I would be lost without my book!
PS: Here is my shopping list form. You can cross out the store names (or use white-out) and write in your own.
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